라스베가스 자유게시판 (정보공유, 질문, 수다)

라스베가스에 대해 여러가지 궁금한 정보들을 이곳에서 질문하세요!

자유게시판 (정보공유, 질문, 수다, 등등)

No School Day ! Day Camp Open!!!!

2023-01-07 18:14
학부모님들께 드리는 기쁜 소식이 있습니다~
1월 16일 월요일 / 23일 월요일 No School Day!  
Day Camp를 진행합니다 30명 자리가 준비되어 있습니다

미리미리 자리예약해주세요^^

오피스 702-900-6168

메니져크리스챤 725-777-9602

한국어 913-488-5366


PARENTS! With there being no school January 16th and January 23rd, we have decided to open up two All Day Camps for you to drop off your child in the morning and pick them up after work or after Taekwondo! 

If interested, please register and pay with Manager Christian. It is $30 per child, $10 extra foe early drop off or late pick up (up to one hour)

This is for ages 6 AND OLDER. If your child is 6 and older with a sibling who is 3-5 years old, then their sibling may join them. We are unfortunately not accepting children under the age of 5 if they do not have an older brother or sister. 

Spots are LIMITED so make sure you register quickly! You may sign up for BOTH days if you wish. 
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