라스베가스 구인구직
World Route Convention (10/15 to 10/18) 남성 운영 스탭분 구합니다
2022-09-21 09:29
아래와 같이 컨벤션 행사의 운영을 도와주실 영어와 한국어가 가능하신 남성 스탭분을 구합니다.
1. Name: World Route 2022 (https://www.routesonline.com/events/236/routes-world-2022/)
2. Location: Las Vegas Convention Center (3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109)
3. Date & Time: 1) Orientation: 10/15 (Sat) Afternoon (Under 4 hours)
2) Event Days: 10/16 (Sun) ~ 10/18 (Tue) 9am to 6pm
* The working hours may change slightly
4. Job description: 1) Greeting and responding to the visitors
2) General support
3) Follow directions from the client etc.
5. Pay: $280 ($245/Event day + $15/Lunch + $20/Parking or Transportation) X 3.5 days
관심 있으신 분은 creative3creative3@gmail.com으로 레쥬메 보내주시면
연락 드리겠습니다.
1. Name: World Route 2022 (https://www.routesonline.com/events/236/routes-world-2022/)
2. Location: Las Vegas Convention Center (3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109)
3. Date & Time: 1) Orientation: 10/15 (Sat) Afternoon (Under 4 hours)
2) Event Days: 10/16 (Sun) ~ 10/18 (Tue) 9am to 6pm
* The working hours may change slightly
4. Job description: 1) Greeting and responding to the visitors
2) General support
3) Follow directions from the client etc.
5. Pay: $280 ($245/Event day + $15/Lunch + $20/Parking or Transportation) X 3.5 days
관심 있으신 분은 creative3creative3@gmail.com으로 레쥬메 보내주시면
연락 드리겠습니다.
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