라스베가스 구인구직
(구인) 생산 업무 관리 직원을 구합니다.
2023-01-05 10:55
매년 꾸준하게 성장하고 있는 식품가공회사에서 생산업무관리 직원을 모집합니다.
업무 분야 - 생산업무관리
생산 업무관리직은 식품 생산과 관련된
생산 스케줄 관리, 생산팀과 생산매니저 업무 보조,
생산자 트레이닝, 생산팀 시간관리 등
생산팀의 전반적인 업무들을 보조하는 역할이며,
컴퓨터 업무능력이 필요합니다.
Mon - Fri / 7:00am to 3:30 pm
연봉 : $42,000 또는 경력에 따라 협의가능
Health insurance (100% 회사지원)
- including vision, dental
Holiday Pay
Sick day / Personal Day
(미사용시, 월말에 보너스로 지급)
401K , 401K Matching
[지원 조건]
영어와 한국어 (Bilingual)
취업 신분에 결격사유 없으신 분
50파운드의 물건을 옮기는 데 문제가 없으신 분 (재고파악시 필요)
Microsoft office (Excel, words) 에 능숙하신 분
Bachelor's Degree
식품가공 회사 유경험자는 우대
관심있으신 분은 slee@oftinc.com 또는 swon@oftinc.com 로
이력서 보내주시기 바랍니다.
혹시 회사에 궁금하신 사항이 있으시면
이력서와 함께 메일로 질의해주시면 됩니다.
OFT Inc is a food manufacturer of sauces, flavors, and bases.
We offer diverse array of industrial
ingredients to our customers
both domestic and international.
We currently have an opening
for an Production support personnel
who will use their expertise
to support our growing organization.
The candidate will have a working
knowledge in production
and manage people & machine parts.
The candidate will work with purchasing department and production department
to ensure timely inbound
and outbound shipments.
Salary range: $42,000/year
or based on experience
- 100% company paid Health Insurance
- Dental / Vision
- 401k
- 401k Matching
- Holiday pay
- Sickday / Personal day
(it can be cashed out if you don't use)
· Must be able to lift up to 50lbs
· Must be able to work in a fast paced
environment and meet deadlines
· Work with purchasing and
production department
for efficient allocation of ingredients
· Manage inventory and maintenance log
· Schedule and send/receive inbound/
outbound shipments
· Maintaining and updating records
· Material handling and storage
· Additional duties may be assigned
Required Skills and Education
· Must be able to legally work
in the US.
· Bachelor's Degree
· Must be proficient
in Microsoft Excel, and Word.
· Working Knowledge of GMP
(Good Manufacturing Practices) a plus
· Food Processing experience a plus.
For interview/employment consideration,
please email resume to
slee@oftinc.com or swon@oftinc.com.
Thank you.
업무 분야 - 생산업무관리
생산 업무관리직은 식품 생산과 관련된
생산 스케줄 관리, 생산팀과 생산매니저 업무 보조,
생산자 트레이닝, 생산팀 시간관리 등
생산팀의 전반적인 업무들을 보조하는 역할이며,
컴퓨터 업무능력이 필요합니다.
Mon - Fri / 7:00am to 3:30 pm
연봉 : $42,000 또는 경력에 따라 협의가능
Health insurance (100% 회사지원)
- including vision, dental
Holiday Pay
Sick day / Personal Day
(미사용시, 월말에 보너스로 지급)
401K , 401K Matching
[지원 조건]
영어와 한국어 (Bilingual)
취업 신분에 결격사유 없으신 분
50파운드의 물건을 옮기는 데 문제가 없으신 분 (재고파악시 필요)
Microsoft office (Excel, words) 에 능숙하신 분
Bachelor's Degree
식품가공 회사 유경험자는 우대
관심있으신 분은 slee@oftinc.com 또는 swon@oftinc.com 로
이력서 보내주시기 바랍니다.
혹시 회사에 궁금하신 사항이 있으시면
이력서와 함께 메일로 질의해주시면 됩니다.
OFT Inc is a food manufacturer of sauces, flavors, and bases.
We offer diverse array of industrial
ingredients to our customers
both domestic and international.
We currently have an opening
for an Production support personnel
who will use their expertise
to support our growing organization.
The candidate will have a working
knowledge in production
and manage people & machine parts.
The candidate will work with purchasing department and production department
to ensure timely inbound
and outbound shipments.
Salary range: $42,000/year
or based on experience
- 100% company paid Health Insurance
- Dental / Vision
- 401k
- 401k Matching
- Holiday pay
- Sickday / Personal day
(it can be cashed out if you don't use)
· Must be able to lift up to 50lbs
· Must be able to work in a fast paced
environment and meet deadlines
· Work with purchasing and
production department
for efficient allocation of ingredients
· Manage inventory and maintenance log
· Schedule and send/receive inbound/
outbound shipments
· Maintaining and updating records
· Material handling and storage
· Additional duties may be assigned
Required Skills and Education
· Must be able to legally work
in the US.
· Bachelor's Degree
· Must be proficient
in Microsoft Excel, and Word.
· Working Knowledge of GMP
(Good Manufacturing Practices) a plus
· Food Processing experience a plus.
For interview/employment consideration,
please email resume to
slee@oftinc.com or swon@oftinc.com.
Thank you.
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